Hydrogen Ly-alpha backscattered emision and Helium 584A backscattered solar emission from Roll Control Maneuver #7 of Mariner 10.
The following are available:
- The rcm7 data file
- rcm7.diff release and data layout description
- Download the tar file
- Main papers describing scientific results of data analysis:
- a) Ajello, J.~M., "An interpretation of Mariner 10 helium (584 A) and hydrogen (1216 A) interplanetary emission observations", Astrophysical Journal, vol. 222, pp 1068-1079, 1978 doi=10.1086/156224
- b) Ajello, J.~M. and Witt, N. and Blum, P.~W., "Four UV observations of the interstellar wind by Mariner 10 - Analysis with spherically symmetric solar radiation models", Astrophysical Journal, volume 73, pp260-271, 1979