This section of the IBEX website is to help students learn more about the IBEX mission, the boundary of our Solar System, and the Sun. Please download our posters and lithographs or check out the Frequently Asked Questions section.
Posters and Lithographs

IBEX: Exploring the Edge of the Solar System (English, 7.1 MB; PDF)
IBEX: Explorador de la Frontera Interestelar (Spanish, 2.6 MB; PDF) This poster outlines the major mission highlights of the IBEX mission. If you need an audio version of this material, the file is compatible with screen reading software such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.

IBEX: The Edge of the Solar System (English, 3.0 MB; PDF)
IBEX: La Frontera de Nuestro Sistema Solar (Spanish, 1.1 MB; PDF) This poster outlines the components of our Solar System's Heliosphere. If you need an audio version of this material, the file is compatible with screen reading software such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The Heliosphere (lithograph) (English, 3.0 MB; PDF)
La Heliosfera (Spanish, 214 KB; PDF) This lithograph outlines the components of the Solar System's Heliosphere. If you need an audio version of this material, the file is compatible with screen reading software such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Mission Overview (lithograph) (English, 859 KB; PDF)
Resumen de Lance Misión (Spanish, 280 KB; PDF) This lithograph outlines the details of the IBEX mission. If you need an audio version of this material, the file is compatible with screen reading software such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.